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Chatbot Builder AI Rockets Past 1K Discord Members in 2024

Chatbot Builder AI's Discord community reaches 1K! A milestone fueled by collaboration, innovation, and vibrant member engagement.
August 23, 2024

Hey there, Chatbot Builder AI fam! We’ve got some awesome news that’s too good not to share – we just smashed past 1,000 members in our Discord! This is huge for us, and we're all about celebrating this big win together.

Chatbot Builder AI Gains Over 1k Members in 2024

The Discord Adventure Begins

When we first toyed with the idea of starting a Discord channel, it was like stepping into unknown territory. We knew we had a fantastic community (yes, that's you!), but moving this energy to Discord?

That was a whole new adventure. We wanted a space where our AI enthusiasts could hang out, share ideas, and learn from each other – and boy, did you all deliver!

Ryan Baggott, founder of Chatbot Builder AI and new lover of Discord

Ryan Baggott: The Chatbot King Takes on Discord

First off, let's talk about our CBB's founder, Ryan Baggott. Ryan was kinda on the fence about this whole Discord thing at first. He's the Chatbot King, known for his top-notch skills in chatbot creation, but Discord was a whole new world for him. But here’s the thing about Ryan – he's not just your favorite chatbot builder's favorite chatbot builder... He's also got an award-winning background in photography, videography, video editing, SEO, and paid ads on social.

Ryan's a self-described gangster in the world of social media marketing and digital ad buying, too. His know-how in creating compelling digital narratives and engaging audiences has been a cornerstone of our brand's growth. So, when it came to exploring Discord, it wasn't just about trying a new platform.

It was about applying all that expertise in a new, exciting way. Change? Ryan’s all about it, especially when it means bringing our community closer and making our presence stronger.

Featured in The Fiji Times for his groundbreaking work, Asta recently joined Chatbot Builder AI as our Director of Communications.

Asta Sonner: The Visionary Who Sparked Change

Now, let's talk about Asta Sonner, the AI Guru who's been turning heads all the way from Fiji. Featured in The Fiji Times for his amazing work, Asta joined us as our Director of Communications. This guy is the real deal in the AI scene, especially known in Fiji for shaking things up with his cutting-edge approach.

When Asta looked at Discord, he didn't just see a platform; he saw a world of endless possibilities. He envisioned it as a dynamic space where our AI-obsessed community could flourish and make waves. His arrival was like a jolt of electricity, supercharging our move into the Discord universe.

Wendy Molinares, VP of Chatbot Builder AI

Wendy Molinares: The True Heart of CBB

Now, let's talk about Wendy Molinares, our VP, and the powerhouse of CBB. Wendy has been instrumental in our journey, and without her, CBB just wouldn't be the same. She's the perfect blend of tough, brilliant, and utterly lovable – a leader with a strong Latina flair who radiates respect and warmth.

Always humble, Wendy credits her team, especially Asta and our support crew, for their contributions. Her move from skepticism to championing our Discord venture showcases her intuitive leadership and charismatic charm.

Celebrating Our Community: The Real MVPs

This milestone is a celebration of you, our incredible community. You've transformed our Discord into a thriving space of engagement and creativity. It's Ryan's digital wizardry, Wendy's strategic prowess, and Asta's innovative spirit that have paved the way, but it's your energy, passion, and ideas that drive our success.

🚀🥳 So, here's a massive shoutout to each of you! Let's keep this fantastic energy going, explore the frontiers of AI, and continue making Chatbot Builder AI the coolest place to be. #CBBFamily #Discord #chatbotbuilderai

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