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From Universal Laws to AI Mastery: My Journey with 7 Simple Rules

Discover how seven universal laws, like Murphy's Law and the Golden Rule, can enhance AI chatbot design.
September 3, 2024

I’m always on the lookout for inspiration, whether it’s a conversation, a random fact, a quote, or even a post I scroll by online. The other day, I came across a set of life rules that really got my attention. You know those moments when you read something, and it just clicks? That was me.

These were classic laws like Murphy’s Law and the Golden Rule—and as I read them, I couldn’t help but think, “Hey, this is just like AI Chatbots!” Because, let’s be real, we all need a little wisdom when designing AI that interacts with people.

One rule that really stood out was Murphy’s Law: “The more you fear something, the more likely it is to happen.” It made me think about how, when we’re prompting for a bot, if we focus too much on negative outcomes, we might end up creating exactly what we’re afraid of. These life rules, which have guided people for so long, can also guide us in AI development.

So, I decided to reframe these rules through the lens of AI and chatbots, and the results were pretty eye-opening. Whether it’s prioritizing the right tasks (Gilbert’s Law) or making sure our bots don’t trap users in dead ends (Golden Rule), these timeless principles offer valuable lessons that can make our AI smarter, more empathetic, and ultimately more effective.

Sometimes, the best guidance comes from the most unexpected places, and these seven laws have definitely earned a spot in my AI toolkit. If you’re curious to see how I’ve applied each rule, check out the full breakdown below.

Murphy's Law: "The more you fear something, the more likely it is to happen."

Chatbot Context: If you overload your bot with negative examples and restrictive instructions, it’s more likely to do exactly what you don’t want. Focus on clear, positive guidance instead.

Kidlin's Law: "If you can clearly write down a problem, then it is half solved."

Chatbot Context: Clearly defining the problem you want the bot to solve is crucial. If your prompt or instructions are vague, the bot will struggle to provide the right solutions. Clarity is key (and this also applies to the language you use!).

Gilbert's Law: "What you do first is more important than how many things you do."

Chatbot Context: Focus on automating tasks that are time-consuming and generate the least money first. Prioritize these to get the most value from your bot automation efforts.

Wilson's Law: "If you prioritize knowledge and intelligence, money will continue to come."

Chatbot Context: Continuously feeding your bot with updated knowledge and data will make it smarter and more effective, ultimately leading to better customer experiences and increased profitability.

Falkland's Law: "If you don’t have to make a decision about something, then don’t."

Chatbot Context: Don’t try to lay out every possible scenario for your bot. Instead, provide it with guidelines to choose whether it should attempt to help or transfer to a human. If it doesn’t need to be automated, don’t automate it.

Karma's Law: "Who you are today is a result of your previous actions."

Chatbot Context: The effectiveness of your bot today is the result of how well you trained it yesterday. Consistent and thoughtful updates to your bot’s training will lead to better performance and user satisfaction.

The Golden Rule: "Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want them to do to you."

Chatbot Context: If you would hate to be stuck in a conversation with a bot that can't help you with a specific issue, don’t trap your users. Always provide an alternative, such as transferring to a human agent or offering an option for more personalized help, to handle out-of-the-ordinary scenarios effectively.

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